“The measure of a man’s character is what he would do if he knew he never would be found out.”
Thomas Macaulay (1800-1859) British writer and politician
Of the many things I have learnt on this journey of life…one of the most prominent is this: that success is not a destination. In my younger years, I believed it was. But life’s experience has sharpened my perception! Success relates not to the things we can acquire or purchase. Nor to fame, reputation or status.
Success is all about who you and I are on the inside. Our character. That is formed by the important values that we allow to guide us. It’s formed through the personal battles that you and I fight and conquer.Success is not about compromising truth on the inside of you. It’s holding steadfast to the truth and to godly morality even when it’s personally costly. Character has much to do with our moral make up reflecting through our personality. I often reflect on this truth- that my personality and gift can take me so far and can open doors but only my character keeps those doors open for me.
Possessing a great character is not a gift, which is bestowed on us. Character is built purposefully over time and flourishes when we are secure in who we are and allow God to speak His truth into the very core of our being.
James 1:3 For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything. (NLT)
In this passage in James, our character is connected to our endurance. Our ability and decision to keep going, to see things through, to not give up and take the easy road. I find that the most character shaping seasons have also been the times when I have faced the biggest trials and struggles in my life. When we decide to endure and hold fast to the faith we profess, we allow God to shape and prune us under the covering of His Grace. And create in us something of beauty for eternity.