1 Peter 3:1&2 NLT …even if some refuse to obey the Good News, your GODLY LIVES will SPEAK to them without any words. They will be won over by observing your pure and reverent lives.
Our character can speak louder than the verbal gospel message we speak. Our character has a powerful voice. It sends messages to others every moment of the day. We win people by our godly behaviour, with what shines out of our spirit, our attitude and the way we love.
1. Integrity speaks
Our character speaks as we build our lives on integrity and truth. When we stay faithful to the truth even when it hurts and is personally costly. When we build godly values into our life they become our true North. I have realized that real success in life is not a destination of an acquisition. It’s all about not compromising God’s truth which lives on the inside of you. Doing the right thing when no one is looking….
2. The work of the cross in our life speaks.
We are called to a life which is committed to the outworking of the transforming power of the cross in our life. Jesus did not mince His words when He called us to: Deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow me. When we say yes to Him- we basically no longer reserve the right to do what we want with our money, mouth, mind or time. Hmmm…We are surrendered!There begins a process of us dying to ourselves and the part of our character that hinder Him shining through us.
Every time we die to something whether that be a wrong motive, attitude, behaviour or our pride…we resurrect something of Jesus. That people SEE. And experience in our life. When we allow the Spirit in to deal with those areas in our life…then the life of Jesus breathes in us more and more. And it speaks. Loudly!
3. How we carry our burdens speaks
Our character it tested most under daily pressure and the weight of the things that hang on our heart.There may be tough things through our life that we will be called to carry. I have decided that it is not all about WHAT you carry. It’s HOW you carry it.
The breakthrough with God is not just found in the answer to the problem. The real breakthrough is found in our capacity and our attitude to handle it well whilst we wait. And how we respond to things if they do not turn out how we expect. Others are watching to see how we handle the trials we have to go through and whether we will keep worshiping our God no matter what! And God is interested in our faith and the journey of our heart as much He is in giving us the answer. So that we negotiate the difficult parts of our journey with grace, patience, and a softness of heart which keeps our eyes fixed on Jesus and on our values which hold us to our true North.
Those 3 will keep us shining!!!!…