At 15, I opened the door of my heart to you
And from that moment
You have taught me
That Your desire
Is to make Your home in there
To live and move and speak
In every room of my heart
Because Your Word tells me
That I will never experience
Your fullness of freedom
If I divide my heart
And close my inner doors
You have taught me
That to transform a life
You need full access
Even when rooms of that heart
Have been broken into pieces
Scarred by betrayal
Damaged by words
Shattered by loss
Made heavy by the weight of sin
Over the years
As you have worked
In the inner rooms of my heart
I have witnessed your healing
The breath of the Holy Spirit
Reshaping my broken identity
And securing me in love
You’ve entered the relationships room
And smashed labels
To redefine me
You’ve shaped my purpose room
And connected me back into it
When I lost my way.
You’ve transformed my financial room
And empowered me
To trust you
You’ve breathed wisdom into my marriage room
And taught me to love, to forgive
And let go
In every room
You’ve brought my dead things to life
You’ve broken the tight reign of fear
Healed the rejection
And ushered in
A New Day
These rooms are the birthplace
Of my incredible God story
So my rooms
Are your rooms
And I will forever keep bowing the knee
When your Spirit tells me
That I have manoeuvred myself
To be first in that room
And not You.
You have revealed to me
That the condition of my heart
Determines the landscape of my mind
For out of my heart all the issues of my life flow
So as you bring hope to every room
I choose to reframe my every waking day
With words of golden truth
So that my mind
Becomes more beautiful.
And now with faith in this heart
I choose to be
An ambassador of hope
A cultural architect
In Your House
Who together with my tribe
Build a Home
Where Heaven Touches Earth
And the heart of the captives
Are set free