I have recently journeyed through a tough, but thankfully, shortish season in my life. And it’s caused me to reflect on how I handle life’s many disappointments whether that be as pastor, a wife, a friend, a church builder, a missionary to another land or just plain me with all the different desires of my heart.
Disappointment happens to be one of my biggest enemies. It attempts to rob me of perspective, it places the focus on myself and has a habit of highlighting what I do not have rather than what is right before me.
I have take myself to this truth in every foggy and cloudy season: What I have in God is greater than what I do not have in life. It’s an absolute spiritual reality that anchors me and takes me through the storms of the mind.
One thing that has taken me years to embed into my heart: at the end of every thread of disappointment is HOPE. Hope is the person of Jesus. And when that hope IN Him becomes stronger and more tangible in my spirit than my current disappointment – that thread of disappointment will eventually snap and break. I have found that as I continually I speak His word and promises over my life, sift out all other voices to focus on Him alone and return to simplicity- I know my breakthrough in my heart is coming even if the circumstances do not change.
I’m continually working out these simple but HUGE life truths into my True North!
~ That my honest love for Him needs to be greater than any personal pain I may carry
~ My devotion to Him more important that my dreams
~ My desire to obey Him stronger that my need to keep hearing Him
~ My hunger to fulfill His purpose for my life greater than the knocks that come my way
~ My contentment and gratitude with what I possess deeper than the disappointments that may prevail
~ My passion to build His House stronger than any setbacks I may face
Thank God He is ridiculously loving, forgiving and faithful even when we cannot see it yet!
Keep walking, keep holding onto Him, keep the main thing the main thing 🙂
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful
Hebrews 10:23
Brilliant piece of writing Lizby with powerful truths xxxxx
Thanks Lizzie!!
Wow! What you wrote has really encouraged me to keep holding onto hope. Xx
Wow- that’s great to hear Dawn!!