You and I live in a fragmented, yet beautiful world, full of people wandering around the planet who are struggling to find their identity. There is a desperate hunger to find soul quenching fulfillment as to our own true worth and value.
Our quest is relinquished when we are born again and enter into an invisible spiritual realm which recreates us from the inside out. I have spent the last 10 months digging deeper and more intentionally into that which Jesus set into motion in my life when I was 15 as a young girl seeking purpose in my life. In that moment of our salvation is an incredible expanse of deep truth concerning our new identity as a brand new creation.
And over the many years of being a church leader- I have learnt one of life’s most important lessons.
That as a leader- you LEAD from your identity in Christ.
The primary way my leadership has grown stronger and healthier is by learning to lead out of who I am and who I am called to become.
I spent my early years leading from my pastoral gift and over time realized that much of my sense of identity and self worth was wrapped up in my need be affirmed by others as I sought to rescue them. Which did not grow me one bit!
There have been times I have fallen into to the trap of thinking I can lead by my years of experience or from my position within church life. It’s not healthy, it’s restricting and it can manifest the wrong motivations. You don’t lead from a great preaching gift, a beautiful worship anointing, an incredible gift of administration or a powerful prophetic gift. Although your gifts, your experience and your position are essential to appreciate and work with, one of the deepest revelations I carry as a leader is to that my leadership must flow from my identity In Him alone. That is where real success lies.
Why? This identity is sealed in God’s covenant and by the Holy Spirit. It is the ONE steadfast, unchangeable, sacred anchor in my life. Everything else in my life is subject to change. The truth that I am a masterpiece, I have a renewed spirit, I am righteous and full forgiven, deeply loved, set apart to be holy and created to reign and rule in life is now non-negotiable! It’s who I am.
Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus (reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, ready to be used) so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
Jesus speaks in Matthew about building your life on solid ground so that when the storms comes, you can stand firm. I translate this into my identity found in the Word of God. My beautiful God- given gift which I did not earn or deserve. And just like his disciple Peter, Jesus calls me to build my life from that solid, concrete rock of revelation and truth
I love this amazing truth
When we are in Jesus we have exactly the same identity.
What’s different is our personality, our character and our gifts which are outworked THROUGH our identity. That is what makes YOU so wonderfully unique.
This is why renewing our minds in alignment with our identity is so crucial. To grow truth in our Beautiful Mind. Only then can we become truly free to be who we are called and created to be. And to lead ourselves and others from a place of strength.